Thursday, July 22, 2010

How cool is this? Especially when shared by friends!

Wow! Don't you just love it when you hear from an old friend? Add to that special event that friend bestowing 
the"ONE LOVELY BLOG AWARD" to your blog and it gets even better!!! That is what happened to me this evening when I got ready to add a post to this blog.
 My friend, Lori, had visited my blog which really tickled me, as we haven't been in touch much lately. I know Lori from the POD (Photo of the Day) Challenge We both have been long time partipants although I have kind of set it aside for several months. She is a very talented photographer and scrapper. She just keeps getting better at both! Lori documents her life and surrounds thru great photos and words. She is the true hockey mom and we got better acquainted when she posted a couple of years ago that she was looking for a big cowbell to ring to her son's hockey game. I sent her one and I know it has gotten a lot of use at those games! 
So, thanks Lori, for sharing this with me! You might like to see some of Lori's photos great photos on her blog: know I am gong to do a better  job keeping track of a good friend and her blog!
I guess this award requires the recipient to share seven things you might not know about me. Sounds kind of fun, huh?

I bet you figure you know all about me, cows, dogs, grandkids, horses and the ranch. Right? Well here are some things you most likely don't know about me!
1. I owned a Scottish Terrier at one time. Yep,me the Border Collie lover. Further more, I know how to groom Scotties just like a real dog groomer! I must admit I am pretty good at it too!
2. This leads me to the next thing you might not know about me, I was a dog groomer as a profession for several years. Working for and managing a groom shop, grooming for several vets, which lead to having my own business for some time.
3. I have been to the country of Lichtenstein.
4. I was on meats judging teams in 4-H and FFA.
5. I hate grasshoppers.
6. I think my handwriting is ugly.
7. The very first thing I do after I crawl out of bed in the morning is make the bed. Nothing worse than an unmade bed unless it is dirty dishes sitting in the sink!

Now, I think this award will move on to Linda, up in Canada. She is another one of us whose life revolves around cows, horses, dogs, cowboys ranch life and her camera. Kind of like me! Check her out too!

1 comment:

Linda said...

You are so sweet! Like you I can't stand an unmade bed or a sink full of dirty dishes.