Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Wishful thinking.....

Spring needs to come! Had to try to change the look of my blog to reflect something other than winter! About a month and half from now the wild crocus in my blog title will start to bloom on the prairie.


Rambling said...

Hmmm ... I'm wondering how you got your photo to be the background of your blog.

Sharmin said...

I'm so ready for spring! We had another snow this morning, 6"! It's February, we're not supposed to get any snow in Arkansas in Feb! I think that groundhog needs to be shot.

DayPhoto said...

Spring does need to come! LOVE you new look!


Lori said...

I was almost jealous for a minute! =)

Far Side of Fifty said...

Wild crocus..you are very lucky to have them..thay are beautiful..I am ready fro spring too:)