Monday, May 10, 2010


If you have been visiting my blog since I began with it in January, you might have noticed a change in the frequency of my posting. My blog started as my Project 365, an attempt to post at least on photo per day for a year.
In the past month, it seemed like variety and quality of my photos was declining. Plus, I am starting to get busier with the calving, and other normal spring work, so less time to be on the computer! It also was almost becoming a job rather than something I enjoyed.
All of those things combined led me to decide to just have a "plain ol' blog.  I still hope to post everyday if I can, but it I don't, it won't be like missing a day of work!
I enjoy sharing my photos here and the interaction with those who read my blog and I theirs. So, from this blog, you will probably see more than 365 photos this year most likely, probably lots of cows, horses, prairie, grandkids, my everyday life, but with an change of purpose!
Hope you keep following me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel that's why I only post what and when I want's your blog and YOU can do what YOU want to.